Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Still Percolating

Because this blog is about maintaining the creative spark that makes writing possible, it seems like I really ought to write about the first of hopefully many, many open mics in Provo.  This won't be a long post, though, because it's all still percolating in my brain.  It takes a certain distance to be able to make all the connections in a way that is totally satisfying.  But, for the sake of my 3 faithful readers, I'll try.

Performance Poetry in Provo is meant to be.  That's the only thing that can explain how easily everything fell together, just at the point where I was thinking, "This is insane.  I don't have the time or energy to do all of this!"  But the perfect venue fell into place and everywhere I turned there were people who were excited and supportive.  There seems to be a widespread desire for this sort of avenue for creative expression.  All that was necessary was to draw those threads together (or, as I told a friend of mine, they just needed a mom to step in and get things done).  Admittedly, my desire for an open mic night was about my own need for a community and an outlet (see previous blog post  "Why Does Utah County Need a Creative Writing Open Mic Night?").  Running an open mic, though, is more about the community than personal needs/desires.  This is why anyone who wants to be part of helping this community grow is more than welcome to join us.  This can be as simple as showing up regularly or as complex as volunteering to help with administrative duties.  I have found performance poets to be generous, giving people and that's what I envision this community being.  I'm excited to get to know you and to grow with you.